
“No question, no opening.” was my massage therapist’s response to the question how he knows that his client was interested in a deeper understanding of what is causing his or her pain/tension. So simple. So clear. Since then, I’ve been paying attention to “openings” on the customer side. Is there a question on his or …

No question, no opening. MEHR

One of my first clients with Jewish roots and experience in Israeli intelligence dropped this phrase in a meeting. If clients are not used to working with hypotheses, I use this phrase to shift their view to it and pay attention to their assumptions. Christiane Schneider Facilitator of and consultant for organizational and executive development …

The assumption is the mother of all catastropies. MEHR

It was a leadership seminar in Hamburg, which Groupmind had organized. It was about using our whole being to improve leadership skills. The speaker, Diane Hamilton, shared this one-liner with us as one of her internal markers. I could immediately relate to that, even though I had never consciously connected my physical sensations (my brain, …

If you contract, question your assumptions. MEHR

The first time I heard this phrase was from Fred Kofman. One essence of his book “Conscious Business” is that it is important to move from “being a knower to a being learner” and to adopt the mindset of a learner. “Getting curious instead of angry” is not always trivial in the heat of the …

Don’t get mad, get curious. MEHR

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